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Group | Mfr Part Number/SKU | Product Description |
Speaking | Findandconvert SPEAK-01 pricing | Bernie Borges, CEO, author, blogger, podcaster and speaker is available for private speaking engagements. Formats range from keynotes to workshops. Attendees experience education, enlightenment, entertainment. Pricing indicated is entry point. Contact for custom fee quotation. |
Speaking | Findandconvert SPEAK-1/2 Day Workshop pricing | 1/2 day workshop on various aspects of Internet marketing: inbound marketing strategies | social media marketing | content marketing | "How To" series on social networking on Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook |inbound marketing development | implementing inbound marketing and social media strategies. Workshops can be customized to individual or group requirements
Speaking | Findandconvert SPEAK-1/2 Day Workshop-DUPL pricing | Full day workshop on on various aspects of Internet marketing: inbound marketing strategies | social media | content marketing | "How To" social networking series on Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook |inbound marketing development | implementing inbound marketing and social media strategies. Workshops can be customized to individual or group requirements |
Services | Findandconvert SEO-02 Standard-6 Month pricing | SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for Smaller Websites - Up to 40 static pages of SEF implementation services, monthly analytics reporting and bi-weekly conference updates. Complete analysis of: Website conversion analysis, Search engine friendly analysis, Link flow analysis Competitive keyword analysis. Optimization with 10 main keyword phrases, content optimization, meta data development, image, text link and anchor text optimization, URL renaming, optimized editorial linking, source code optimization.
Services | Findandconvert SEO-06 Professional 6 Month pricing | Six Month Search Engine Optimization (SEO) monthly full implementation services. Up to 40 static pages, 15 main keyword phrases, content, optimization, meta data development, image, text link and anchor text optimization, link flow analysis, website conversion analysis, search engine friendly analysis, competition keyword analysis, URL renaming, optimized editorial linking. Write 20 new pages of website content. Basic social media strategy. |
Services | Findandconvert SMM - Social Media Consultatio pricing | Social Media Consultation - 6 month engagement includes consultation on developing and implementing content marketing and social media marketing strategies. , 2 on-line conference meetings per month with monthly web and social media tracking metrics. 15 hours per month will be devoted exclusively to research and on-going strategy and implementation consultation. |
Services | Findandconvert SMM - Social Media Marketing P pricing | Social Media Marketing Plan - 6 month engagement includes development and implementation of: content marketing, content propagation and social media marketing stragies and social networking strategies with weekly online conferences and on-going in-depth tracking and analytic metrics. 40 hours per month will be devoted exclusively to research and on-going strategy and implementation development and consultation.
EchoQuote | Findandconvert EQ-INITIAL-SETUP pricing | EchoQuote Initial Setup Charge - This is a deferred one-time setup fee for the basic EchoQuote service. It is only charged upon successful completion of the free trial and only if the client wants to continue the service. |
EchoQuote | Findandconvert EQ-PER-LEAD pricing | EchoQuote Per Lead Charge - This is required and is the Per Lead (Quote) flat rate charge based on a delivered quotation. It is only charged if you approve the quote request. |